After Decades in the Dark, Sudan May Soon Be Open for Business

May 20, 2019 | 10:00 GMT

Sudanese celebrate an agreement on a civilian-majority legislative body following the removal of authoritarian leader Omar al Bashir in April 2019. The body will be in power for the next three years, after which, elections will be held to allow citizens to decide on its next composition.

Following 30 years of iron-fisted rule by now-deposed president Omar al Bashir, a transition to a civilian-led government could eventually prompt the United States to take Sudan off its terrorism list, which has long constrained investment in the East African country.



  • Following President Omar al Bashir's ousting, a transitional civil-military council has brought hope for the many Sudanese who've suffered from the country's deteriorating economy and global isolation over the past 30 years. 
  • While negotiations over the composition of the country's transition legislature have been rife with debate, there are now signs the council could be inching toward a civilian-led government in the coming years. 
  • Such fundamental political change could eventually prompt the United States to drop Sudan from its list of sponsors of terrorism, which has long constrained investment in the country — particularly from the West.
  • Given this possibility, new and notable business opportunities for foreign investors in areas such as agriculture, infrastructure, gold mining and tourism could be opening up for the first time in decades.

Following President Omar al Bashir's ousting, a transitional civil-military council has brought hope for the many Sudanese who've suffered from the country's deteriorating economy and global isolation over the past 30 years. While negotiations over what the country's transitional government will look like have been rife with debate, there are now signs Khartoum could be inching toward a civilian-led government. Such fundamental political change could eventually prompt the United States to take Sudan off its terrorism list, which could allow the country to capitalize more on its strategic advantages -- including its fertile land, location on the Red Sea and large population -- by lifting a key longtime hurdle for business engagement. Indeed, if done right, the long-abandoned nation has the potential to be Africa's next economic success story -- representing a new zone of untapped opportunity for adventurous investors and businesses alike. But much of that prosperity will depend...

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