Sean Parnell returned from fighting for the United States in Afghanistan with the desire to honor the platoon in which he served. So he wrote a memoir, Outlaw Platoon, which became a runaway bestseller. His follow-up, Man of War, jumped from memoir to fiction but the intent was the same: to honor his comrades.
In his latest thriller, All Out War, the protagonist from his first book, Eric Steele, addresses two fundamental questions: Is the mission he's been handed worth it? And is he free or is he a slave?
Fred Burton, Stratfor's chief security officer and the host of the "Pen and Sword" podcast, recently caught up with Parnell to discuss these questions and more.
Reading List
All Out War, by Sean Parnell.
Outlaw Platoon, by Sean Parnell.
Beirut Rules, by Fred Burton.
Afghanistan Heads Toward a Turning Point, from Stratfor Worldview.
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