Angola: The Ongoing Threat in Cabinda

Mar 7, 2008 | 17:35 GMT



Three soldiers were killed in Angola's Cabinda province in an attack claimed by the separatist group Front for the Liberation of the Cabinda Enclave (FLEC), media reported March 7. Despite a nearly two-year-old peace deal that was reached with the Cabinda secessionists, Angola continues to deploy between 10,000 and 30,000 troops to the tiny province, which is critical to the country's goal of becoming a major oil producer. Angola will keep its battle-hardened counterinsurgency troops in Cabinda to defeat any threat to its oil plans and regional ambitions.

A separatist group, the Front for the Liberation of the Cabinda Enclave, claimed an attack that killed three soldiers in Angola's Cabinda province, media reported March 7. <em>(With Stratfor map)</em>...

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