Another Rebel Group Takes Steps Toward Peace in Colombia

Mar 30, 2016 | 23:35 GMT

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (C), Colombian lead negotiator Frank Pearl (C-L), and the ELN guerrilla known as Antonio Garcia (C-R) are pictured with members of their delegations at Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas on March 30.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (C), Colombian lead negotiator Frank Pearl (C-L), and the ELN guerrilla known as Antonio Garcia (C-R) are pictured with members of their delegations at Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas on March 30.


On March 30, the National Liberation Army (ELN), Colombia’s the second-largest leftist militant group, formally opened peace negotiations with the Colombian government. The formal talks, which will take place in Ecuador, cap a three-year process of preliminary negotiation and became possible when a faction of the ELN, the Domingo Lain Front, agreed to take part. If the talks are successful, political violence in Colombia should wane, but some risks from future criminal activity will remain....

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