A Brave New World of Human Cloning

Sep 28, 2016 | 08:00 GMT

Cloned human embryos are used to generate stem cells in an experiment in Seoul. Humans will be forced to adapt their traditions and morals as technology upsets their lifestyles once again -- this time, by disrupting their methods of reproduction.
Cloned human embryos are used to generate stem cells in an experiment in Seoul. Humans will be forced to adapt their traditions and morals as technology upsets their lifestyles once again -- this time, by disrupting their methods of reproduction.

(Seoul National University/Getty Images)

Sixty years ago, Nobel Prize-winning geneticist Joshua Lederberg shocked the world with the first serious scientific paper detailing the feasibility of human cloning. Four decades later, a sheep named Dolly -- the first large mammal ever cloned -- brought his prediction a step closer to becoming a reality. Now the realization of Lederberg's proposal seems quite plausible, even if the technology needed to artificially produce humans may not emerge for another few decades....

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