Catalonia Takes the Independence Leap

Oct 27, 2017 | 19:53 GMT

The Catalonian flag waves in Spain.

The Catalan parliament approved to unilaterally declare independence from Spain on Oct. 27. Whatever happens next will be unprecedented for Spain and its separatist region.

(Jack Taylor/Getty Images)

The standoff over Catalan independence has entered a new phase of political fragility, economic uncertainty and social unrest. On Oct. 27, the Catalan parliament approved to unilaterally declare independence from Spain. Shortly after, the Spanish Senate authorized a series of measures against the rebellious region, dismissing members of the Catalan government and seizing several Catalan institutions, including the treasury, the interior ministry and the regional police. The central Spanish government in Madrid has no intention of permanently controlling Catalonia. It wants instead to hold regional elections Dec. 21 to elect a new Catalan government. It will struggle in the meantime to actually enforce its punitive actions....

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