China's Opportunities in Taiwanese-Philippine Tensions

May 14, 2013 | 10:00 GMT

Taiwanese fishermen set fire to Filipino flags in Taipei on May 13



China may use the fatal shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by the Philippine coast guard on May 9 as a chance to build an alliance with Taiwan in maritime territorial disputes where the two countries have shared historical claims, and to justify its aggressiveness in the South China Sea. Compared to most of its neighbors, Taiwan lacks maritime clout and could benefit from following China's lead in the disputes. But such a strategy may eventually come at the expense of Taiwanese interests. Thus, Taipei has to strike a careful balance between pursuing diplomatic independence and enforcing its maritime claims in a way that would benefit China — still Taiwan's most serious and enduring security threat.

Taiwan lacks maritime clout and could benefit from following Beijing's lead in the South and East China seas....

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