Comprehensive EU Defense Integration is Unlikely

Jul 25, 2013 | 14:34 GMT

Members of a Eurocorps military contingent hold the European Union flag July 1.



The lack of defense integration among EU countries is a reminder that the bloc is still a group of 28 disparate nation states with their own national security concerns. The European Commission is striving for increased pooling of resources and stronger ties among defense industries. It is likely that some countries will continue efforts to form closer ties mainly to save costs in light of the European economic crisis. By streamlining the European defense industry, the European Union hopes to make the industry more competitive in the world market. However, comprehensive defense integration has long been debated and is unlikely to take place because of the differences in national interests that are being compounded as the European crisis deepens.

The EU countries' differing national security concerns and domestic industrial interests make them hesitant to pool defense resources....

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