Connectivity, Not Primacy, Is the Way of the World

Mar 8, 2017 | 08:56 GMT

As emerging markets form more connections in all directions, they're becoming less reliant on the developed world.


As surprising as it may seem, speaking of "deglobalization" as an unstoppable trend became fashionable long before Donald Trump was elected the United States' 45th president. Citing the persistent after-effects of the 2008 financial crisis, such as lower cross-border interbank lending, rising tension in Asia and pressure to bring manufacturing back within America's borders, the arguments for "peak globalization" held a certain appeal before Trump's "economic nationalism" agenda of tearing up trade agreements took center stage this year. But as in every previous episode, the rumors of globalization's demise have been drastically overstated. Today's reality -- and the megatrend of the 21st century -- remains a massive expansion in the volume of cross-border connectivity within and across the regions of the world, and in the scale of movements of people and transactions of goods, services, capital and data. Globalization is alive and well. The question that really matters for American strategists...

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