The Evolution of Ballistic Missile Defense in Central Europe

Aug 3, 2010 | 19:35 GMT

A member of the Czech Republic's Communist party protests the U.S. BMD plan in 2007
A member of the Czech Republic's Communist party protests the U.S. BMD plan in 2007



Slovakia and the Czech Republic have joined the list of Central European countries willing to be part of a proposed U.S. ballistic missile defense (BMD) system in Europe. The number of countries willing to participate in a U.S. BMD proposal has gradually increased to six since the September 2009 scrapping of a Bush-era proposal for BMD in Central Europe. So far, Russia has not reacted angrily to this incremental increase in the scope of U.S. BMD plans, but that is likely a temporary situation.

U.S. plans for ballistic missile defense in Central Europe have actually increased in scope since an initial proposal was scrapped in the fall of 2009....

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