Examining Hamas' Rockets
Jul 10, 2014 | 09:13 GMT
(Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images)
Rocket strikes from Gaza into the heart of Israel, alarming as they may seem for the inhabitants of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Hadera, are political tactics, not military tactics. Of course, the Israelis' sense of insecurity is well-founded; now that Hamas is using Fajr-5 rockets, which have a longer range than the ones militants used to lob over the border, nearly all of Israel's densely populated cities are at risk of attack.
Hamas can fire only as many rockets as it has, however, and its stockpiles must be replenished, a cumbersome process that relies on smuggling operations and local manufacturing. As the rocket fire continues, Hamas will face considerable pressure from Israel, which means to destroy the existing stockpile and isolate Gaza from future deliveries.
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