The Flotilla Route from Iran

Jun 22, 2010 | 19:50 GMT

Stratfor's graphic of the day features a standout geopolitical map, chart, image or data visualization reflecting global and regional trends and events.


An Iranian ship will leave the southern port of Bandar Abbas on June 27 and pass through the Suez Canal on its way to the Gaza Strip with the intention of delivering 1,100 tons of aid equipment, according to the Iranian Red Crescent society. It is not clear at this point whether the ship will actually make it to Gaza. According to STRATFOR sources, the Iranians have been pushing for Egypt to interdict the ship in order to avoid a confrontation with the Israeli navy. Egypt would then send the supplies to Gaza on land through the Rafah crossing. However, the ship may never be sent in the first place. Nevertheless, should Iran decide to challenge the Israeli blockade on Gaza, the route shown in this graphic is the path by which any Iranian flotilla would have to travel.