Germany's Euroskeptic Party Weakens From Within

Aug 16, 2016 | 18:11 GMT

Germany's Euroskeptic Party Weakens From Within
Leaders of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party disagree on the direction the party should take.

(SEAN GALLUP/Getty Images)

Despite being fairly popular, Alternative for Germany (AfD) -- the country's Euroskeptic political party -- continues to splinter from within. On Aug. 14, party members held a lengthy emergency meeting in Kassel to sort out a dispute between co-leaders Frauke Petry and Jorg Meuthen, who have ideologically diverged in recent months. Their differences over the party's direction have created a rift between the party's moderate and extreme factions, one that could threaten the AfD's ability to settle on who it puts forth to represent it in Germany's upcoming parliamentary elections....

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