Globalism in the Eyes of Two Beholders

Oct 22, 2017 | 14:58 GMT

The relative peace and prosperity in Europe may have shaped an idealistic approach to globalism.

The differences in perception of globalism between Europe and Asia could be chalked up to the peace and prosperity enjoyed by Europe that seemed to elude Asia.

Over the past 12 months, I have engaged with business leaders, government officials, researchers and members of the media in London, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Barcelona and The Hague, and in Auckland, Seoul, Beijing, Hong Kong and Singapore. Over the course of those discussions, a distinct difference in worldview between the “elites” of Europe and those of Asia became apparent. I use the word elite loosely here to describe the thin layer of society with the economic and social freedom to observe and assess the world in a manner disconnected from daily life. These are the economists, political scientists and bankers, the pundits, heads of major corporations, politicians and journalists. Their views shape much of the popular narrative, but one that often misses the underlying realities and beliefs held by a large portion of the societies in which they reside....

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