Has a Water-Sharing Pact Between Pakistan and India Grown Stagnant?

Jun 26, 2019 | 18:29 GMT

A satellite image of the delta in Pakistan where the Indus River flows into the Arabian Sea. The 1960 Indus Water Treaty governs India's and Pakistan's use of the rivers and tributaries of the Indus River.
(PLANET OBSERVER/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
- Severe water shortages and the prospect of a delayed monsoon season that fails to deliver enough rain will push water management up India's priority list.
- India is unlikely to withdraw from the Indus Water Treaty, which has governed India and Pakistan's use of the rivers and tributaries of the Indus Basin for nearly 60 years, but it is more likely to increase its use of the water allotted to it, which in itself could be detrimental.
- The treaty does not include China, and the tenuous nature of the relationships among India, China and Pakistan does not rule out the possibility of Beijing's involvement in the river basin.
- Questions about the Indus Water Treaty's efficacy and how well it reflects current realities will become more pressing in the years ahead.
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