How an All-American Game Went Global

Jun 5, 2017 | 08:00 GMT

How an All-American Game Went Global
Stratfor contributors Tolga Ozyurtcu and Thomas M. Hunt, along with Stratfor Senior Analyst Matthew Bey, take a look at the baseball versus soccer divide in Latin America and the historical forces that led to the sports taking root there.

(EZRA SHAW/Getty Images)

In my first column in this space, I explored the history of baseball in Japan. Now, as baseball season heats up, fellow contributor Thomas Hunt and Stratfor Senior Analyst Matthew Bey (a die-hard Chicago Cubs fan) join me to offer a closer look at the increasingly global all-American game. We begin with a look at the baseball versus soccer divide in Latin America and the historical forces that led to these sports taking root in various locales, including the particularly curious case of communist Cuba becoming a baseball country....

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