In Iraq, Another Step Toward Reconciliation?

Apr 8, 2013 | 15:04 GMT

In Iraq, Another Step Toward Reconciliation?
A picture of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on a CD in Baghdad on April 7



The debate surrounding the Iraqi Cabinet's proposed changes to debaathification laws reflects the growing sectarian pressures on the Shiite-led government in Baghdad. Announced April 8, the proposed change is only the latest in several moves meant to pacify an increasingly restive Sunni population. Baghdad has been negotiating with the country's Sunni minority since December 2012, when large demonstrations in western Anbar province began. So far, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has proved capable of meeting some of the Sunnis' demands, but pressure against him remains.

Baghdad is trying to find new ways to placate Sunni unrest....

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