Iraqi Kurdistan Prepares for a Vote That Will Shake Nations

Sep 20, 2017 | 17:50 GMT

Iraqi Kurds gather in the streets of Arbil to urge people to vote in the upcoming independence referendum.

Iraqi Kurds gather in the streets of Arbil to urge people to vote in the upcoming independence referendum. The vote, set for Sept. 25, marks the culmination of a long-running battle between the Kurdish government in Arbil and the central government in Baghdad.

(SAFIN HAMED/AFP/Getty Images)

In less than a week, the largest nation in the world without a state of its own -- the Kurds -- may finally hold a vote on whether to declare one. The approaching independence referendum, which Iraqi Kurdistan has planned for Sept. 25, marks the culmination of a long-running battle between the Kurdish government in Arbil and the central government in Baghdad. Thanks to the former's disarray and the latter's international backing, the vote seems doomed to fail in producing a distinct territory that the Kurds may call home. However, it could set Iraqi Kurdistan on a path toward greater autonomy, shaking the region from its stagnation and threatening further instability in the volatile Middle East....

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