The Islamic State Loses Ground in Iraq

Aug 18, 2014 | 23:15 GMT

The Islamic State Loses Ground in Iraq
Peshmerga fighters guard a position on the front line of fighting with Islamic State militants east of Mosul on Aug. 18.



Kurdish peshmerga forces have launched a counteroffensive into areas north of Mosul, taking back several villages and securing Mosul Dam after protracted fighting throughout the weekend. The move follows three weeks of efforts by the peshmerga forces, backed by international support, to readjust their security presence to blunt several Islamic State incursions into Kurdistan Regional Government-held territory on several fronts, including a drive aimed at the region's capital, Arbil. To the south of these operations, Iraqi forces working with Anbar tribal militias were able to reassert complete control over the city of Ramadi.

Both Iraqi and Kurdish security forces are beginning to reassert territorial control, but their success depends on support from foreign actors and/or Sunni tribal elements. As this drive continues, the Islamic State's ground operations in Iraq will likely undergo notable reversals.

Having gained international support, Kurdish forces and Iraqi troops have begun pushing back against Islamic State militants....

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