In Latin America, Populism Is Alive and Well

Aug 15, 2017 | 08:00 GMT

By understanding the underlying conditions that enabled the rise of strongmen like Argentina's Juan Domingo Peron or Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, we can more easily spot the early signs of populism flaring in the region once again.

Powerful leaders have gained a reputation in Latin America as the glue holding society together in times of great strain.

(LUIS ROBAYO/AFP/Getty Images)

Populism is often diagnosed as the root of Latin America's greatest political and economic ills. But just as a fever is the human body's reaction to a disease, populism is the public's response to a society in disarray. By understanding the underlying conditions that enabled the rise of strongmen like Argentina's Juan Domingo Peron or Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, we can more easily spot the early signs of populism flaring in the region once again....

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