Making Sense of Russia's Cyber Treason Scandal

Feb 9, 2017 | 09:15 GMT

Making Sense of Russia's Cyber Treason Scandal
The headquarters of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) in Moscow. The Russian security agency's cybersecurity arm is at the center of a scandal that apparently has been the subject of a Kremlin-directed disinformation campaign.

(OLEG KLIMOV/Getty Images)


The scandal surrounding a shadowy Russian computer intelligence unit has captivated the Russian public over the past few months. The story of a series of high-profile arrests continues to evolve in scope and complexity, implicating members of the Federal Security Service (FSB) and prominent hacking groups. Now, possible connections have emerged to the alleged hacking campaign targeting the United States during the presidential election. Mystery remains over the exact purpose of the crackdown on the cyber unit and why it is happening now, leading to intense speculation in the Russian media. The guarded nature of Russian organs of state means that the story playing out in the public eye is indicative of more dangerous struggles taking place deep inside the Kremlin.

The scandal surrounding a shadowy Russian computer intelligence unit has captivated the Russian public over the past few months. The story of a series of high-profile arrests continues to evolve in scope and complexity, implicating members of the Federal Security Service (FSB) and prominent hacking groups. Now, possible connections have emerged to the alleged hacking campaign targeting the United States during the presidential election. Mystery remains over the exact purpose of the crackdown on the cyber unit and why it is happening now, leading to intense speculation in the Russian media. The guarded nature of Russian organs of state means that the story playing out in the public eye is indicative of more dangerous struggles taking place deep inside the Kremlin....

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