Mapped: Global Shipping Routes, Using 250 Million Data Points

Mar 27, 2017 | 19:28 GMT

Mapped: Global Shipping Routes, Using 250 Million Data Points

Mapped: Global Shipping Routes, Using 250 Million Data Points

Editor's Note:

Stratfor partners with some of the best global thinkers on the planet, individuals and organizations that, like us, seek to interpret and present data in a way that enables the user to better comprehend complexity on a global scale. Stratfor closely tracks global trade routes; shaped by geography and exploited by technology. This interactive map was created by data visualization outfit Kiln, along with the UCL Energy Institute, and shared by Visual Capitalist. 

Stratfor partners with some of the best global thinkers on the planet, individuals and organizations that, like us, seek to interpret and present data in a way that enables the user to better visualize and understand complexity on a global scale. Stratfor closely tracks global trade routes; shaped by geography and exploited by technology. This interactive map was created by data visualization outfit Kiln, along with the UCL Energy Institute, and shared by Visual Capitalist. ...

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