Military Protests Pose Little Direct Threat to Bolivia's Government

Apr 25, 2014 | 14:40 GMT

Military Protests Pose Little Direct Threat to Bolivia's Government
Bolivian military noncomissioned officers march in La Paz on April 24.



On April 24, several hundred non-commissioned officers marched in the third straight day of protests by military personnel across Bolivia, and more demonstrations are expected April 25. The protesters are demanding talks with Bolivian President Evo Morales to address grievances within the military. Despite the marches, the Bolivian government currently faces no direct threat from the military, and neither do foreign companies operating in the country. The protests would have to become significantly larger and spread across the country for the government to face a notable risk.

In order to apply serious pressure to a politically popular administration, groups outside the military would have to join the demonstrations....

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