Oil Export Deal Could Further Destabilize Libya

Jul 24, 2014 | 09:38 GMT

Oil Export Resumption Deal Could Destabilize Libya Further
Libya's Marsa el Brega refinery and oil terminal is pictured at night on March 11.



News of an impending deal to bring oil exports back online is likely to create more problems for Libya's embattled central government rather than solve them. After the fall of Moammar Gadhafi's regime, Tripoli has found that such deals usually trigger a larger competition between various armed groups demanding often-competing concessions, further destabilizing the country. As long as Libya depends on cooperation from the various armed groups within its borders to maintain stability, its reliance on negotiating and granting concessions (rather than using force) to end protests and fighting will perpetuate the very pattern of extortion and violence by militias that Tripoli is trying to end.

With more at stake, competing armed factions will make more demands on the Libyan government, widening the divisions within the country....

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