Pen and Sword Podcast: No Shadows in the Desert with Samuel Katz

Mar 25, 2020 | 21:01 GMT


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Suggested Reading:

No Shadows in the Desert: Murder, Vengeance, and Espionage in the War Against ISIS, by Samuel Katz.

Beirut Rules, by Fred Burton and Samuel Katz

Trump's Pro-Israel Peace Plan Risks Pushing Jordan Away, from Stratfor Worldview.

What We Can Learn From a Young, Grassroots Jihadist in Pittsburgh, from Stratfor Worldview.

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Editor's Notes

Stratfor is a RANE (Risk Assessment Network and Exchange) Company. If you're interested in learning how Stratfor and RANE can help you with analytical tools to visualize and anticipate those areas in the world where your interests and operations are at greatest risk, be sure to visit Stratfor.com.