Pro-Russian Activity Raises Concerns in Latvia

Nov 20, 2014 | 10:15 GMT

Pro-Russian Activity Raises Concerns in Latvia
Pro-Russian activists fly the flag of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic as Latvia's Russian minority gathered for Victory Day celebrations in Riga on May 9.



A reported uptick in pro-Russian activity in the eastern Latvian region of Latgale highlights Riga's concerns about Russia, particularly in light of the standoff between Moscow and the West over Ukraine. Although the potential for serious pro-Russian separatist activity to materialize is much lower in Latvia than it was in Ukraine, Moscow still represents a threat to Riga, as demonstrated in a Nov. 18 report of Russian military planes flying near Latvian airspace and territorial waters. Because Latvia supports the pro-Western government in Ukraine and is courting a greater security commitment from NATO, Russia will likely maintain pressure on the small but strategic Baltic country through Russian-speaking communities and other means. 

Alleged pro-Russian campaigning in Latvia's eastern region has alarmed some Latvian officials and has highlighted the Baltic state's vulnerabilities....

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