Putin Faces an Enemy of His Own Design

Feb 27, 2017 | 09:31 GMT

Putin Faces an Enemy of His Own Design
Another challenger in Russia's ongoing power struggle could emerge from the Duma. Vyacheslav Volodin, appointed speaker of the parliament by President Vladimir Putin, appears to be moving to consolidate his authority.


Russia's legislature may be the next theater of the power struggle that has rocked the Kremlin over the past three years. The Duma has been all but inconsequential in the 17 years that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been in power, serving mostly as a means to boost the leader's legitimacy and as a scapegoat for enacting tough reforms. Facing growing challenges from the Kremlin's political elite, Russia's regional leaders and the public at large, however, Putin has bestowed increasing authority on the legislature to push through the measures he needs to secure his rule. And a recent report from the Carnegie Center in Moscow suggests that this power may have gone to the newly appointed parliamentary speaker's head....

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