Russia: Staying Competitive in Europe's Energy Market

Jul 6, 2012 | 10:01 GMT

Russia: Staying Competitive in Europe's Energy Market
E.On CEO Johannes Teyssen (R) and E.On chief financial officer Marcus Schenck



Russia's Gazprom Export and Germany's E.On reached an agreement on the price of Russian natural gas supplies under a new long-term contract, the companies said in a joint statement July 3. The deal came as Russia is re-examining its energy relationships in Europe and its plans for the future.

Under the terms of the new contract, Russia gives in to several German demands — which it has so far been reluctant to do — in order to secure its largest European market for the long term. The agreement will help safeguard the future of Russian natural gas exports and will lock Berlin and Moscow into a closer political relationship.

A new natural gas deal shows Russia's desire to remain relevant to its major energy customers....

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