In South Africa, Difficult Labor Negotiations Lie Ahead

Jun 16, 2015 | 09:00 GMT

Workers from a platinum mine gather for an illegal strike in Marikana, South Africa.

(STRINGER/AFP/Getty Images


South Africa's labor unions have achieved modest progress ahead of wage negotiations set to begin June 22 with gold mining companies. This year's strike season should be more accommodating and less disruptive than the talks that occurred last year in the platinum industry, which saw a five-month strike. However, with considerable financial and organizational interests at stake and all sides making careful calculations, it will not be an easy wage negotiation session. Some unions are still likely to go on strike at some point during the next two or three months.

Collective bargaining between gold mining companies and labor unions will go relatively smoothly, but pressure to increase union membership may hamper negotiations. ...

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