In Spain, Implications of Catalan Elections

Nov 26, 2012 | 23:12 GMT

In Spain, Implications of Catalan Elections
A supporter of the Catalan Convergence and Union party on Nov. 25

David Ramos/Getty Images


Elections held Nov. 25 in Catalonia showed that the pro-independence movement in the autonomous region is strong but complex and contradictory. Although the ruling Convergence and Union party won the elections, it now controls just 50 of 135 seats — 12 fewer than in 2010. The emergence of a weaker Catalan government will exacerbate political tensions across Spain, likely hindering Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's attempts to combat the country's economic crisis. Moreover, disagreements among Catalan separatist parties will complicate negotiations for a possible referendum on independence, which is unlikely to occur in the medium term.

A weakened government will complicate the region's push for independence and add to Madrid's economic woes. ...

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