In Syria, the Russian Military Found the Ultimate Testing Ground

Oct 23, 2017 | 08:59 GMT

The Russian missile cruiser Moskva patrols off the coast of Syria in this December 2015 photo.

The Russian guided missile cruiser Moskva patrols off the coast of Syria in December 2015. The conflict in Syria proved to be the ultimate testing ground for Russian troops, equipment and combat capabilities. 

(MAX DELANY/AFP/Getty Images)


  • The Syrian conflict is not a cost-free endeavor for Russia, but there are a number of military benefits for Moscow.
  • Exposure to the Syrian battlefield affords Russia the opportunity to test its troops, equipment and tactics.
  • Lessons learned from the employment of new systems and practices will be used to bolster the combat effectiveness of Moscow's forces in the future.
  • The testing of next-generation weaponry in Syria also showcases the potency of Russian equipment, a boon for successful foreign arms sales.

Among the many reasons Russia intervened in the Syrian civil war beginning in 2015, none was more important than Russia's desire to firm up and protect its historical position in the country. And in doing so, Russia hoped to enhance its influence and leverage in the wider Middle East and in broader talks with the United States. But there's an aspect to Russia's intervention in Syria that is often overlooked, but which has proved invaluable to Moscow. The conflict in Syria has been the ultimate testing ground for Russian troops, equipment and combat capabilities....

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