The Syrian Alawites and Negotiated Departure for al Assad

Sep 24, 2012 | 10:51 GMT

The Syrian Alawites and Negotiated Departure for al-Assad
U.N. envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi (L) and Syrian Foreign MInister Walid al-Moallem in Damascus on Sept. 13



Syrian President Bashar al Assad reiterated in an interview published Sept. 21 in Egyptian weekly magazine al-Ahram al-Arabi that the rebels seeking the collapse of his regime will not succeed. He added, however, that the door to dialogue remains open. The leaders of the Syrian military — who belong to Syria's minority Alawite community, the pillar of the al Assad regime — have thus far rejected the U.S.-led international offers to make a deal with the opposition. This is because al Assad has managed to slow rebel advances and because the Alawites are fearful of their status in a post-al Assad Syria. But their opposition to a deal with the rebels does not mean they will continue to insist that al Assad remain head of state.

Getting the president to quit will require convincing the Alawites they will be safe after his departure....

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