Turkmenistan: Desperate for a Gas Market
Apr 29, 2010 | 09:57 GMT

A portrait of Berdimukhammedov near a section of gas pipeline in Turkmenabat on Aug. 30, 2007 [nid:10847]
The president of Turkmenistan is scheduled to meet with Chinese leadership on April 30 in Beijing for talks that will almost certainly center on energy. Stratfor sources indicate that Turkmen natural gas exports have dropped precipitously in the last year, and Ashgabat is hoping that China will agree to increase the amount of gas it imports from Turkmenistan. Though China is interested in acquiring more resources, it may be hesitant to make a deal with Turkmenistan, due to Russia's resurgence in Central Asia and financial overcommitments elsewhere. If Turkmenistan wants to increase its exports, it may have no choice but to turn to Russia — and accept Moscow's conditions.
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