Watch Out for Workplace Intruders

Oct 13, 2016 | 08:00 GMT

Con artists who target for thefts the workplace can pose as coworkers

Workplace intruders who invade offices to steal valuables or even infiltrate computer systems often get a pass because of the reluctance of people to confront a stranger.

(SPENCER PLATT/Getty Images)

A series of high-profile computer crimes has grabbed headlines this year. An elaborate CEO email scam netted fraudsters almost $100 million from Bangladesh's central bank in February. In the spring, the Panama Papers leak of stolen electronic files exposed thousands of individual and corporate offshore bank accounts. The U.S. Democratic National Committee and state election commissions were hit by hackers who intercepted email communications. But a warning from the FBI office in Houston in early October reminded corporate security professionals not to overlook a well-worn tactic: the physical theft of sensitive material by people who intrude into workplaces. Much like the hackers who threaten companies' attempts to keep information secure, the old-fashioned "office creeper" can use a variety of methods to penetrate physical security and gain access to company property and secrets....

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