What Drives Terrorism Part 4: Technology

May 25, 2017 | 08:00 GMT

As technology advances, terrorists and counterterrorism forces will continue to use it to their advantage. It just depends on who picks it up from the table first.


What drives terrorism? By looking at the forces that influence trends in terrorism tactics, targets and tradecraft, attacks can be put into context and permit observers to anticipate how terrorism evolves. The first part of this series on these drivers examined the importance of ideology and terrorist theory. The second focused on how political and economic developments influence terrorism dynamics. The third looked at how counterterrorism efforts make their mark on the terrorists they are trying to stop. These factors are distinct from the psychological and social forces that lead an individual to become radicalized, which will not be discussed here. But another question to be asked and answered is how does terrorism advance? In short, it's with technology. This fourth installment notes the technological influences on terrorism. Of course, while we are examining all the drivers individually, not one factor operates in isolation. They are all interconnected, and almost always...

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