What's at Stake as the U.S. Considers Recognizing Israel's Claim to the Golan Heights

Jun 26, 2018 | 18:25 GMT

An Israeli army tank is stationed near the village of Majdal Shams, in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, on March 19, 2014.

An Israeli army tank is stationed near the village of Majdal Shams, in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, on March 19, 2014. Israel is lobbying the United States to recognize the Golan Heights as Israeli territory.

(JALAA MAREY/AFP/Getty Images)


  • Israel is lobbying the United States to recognize the Golan Heights, occupied since 1967, as Israeli territory.
  • If the United States agrees, it will be recognizing territory captured by military means for the first time since World War II.
  • That move would add to a growing trend of America reshaping its relationship with post-World War II norms, possibly prompting more international instability.

Under President Donald Trump, the United States has been rapidly refashioning its approach to many of the established norms of the post-World War II world. It has withdrawn from the Paris climate accord and the Iran nuclear deal, challenging the expectations of how countries handle their involvement in international agreements. And it has begun using trade tariffs against not just rivals but also allies, reinterpreting the global trade norms meant to pool economic resources and deter war. Now, Washington is contemplating yet another bold rejection of international standards. Rumors have emerged that Israel is lobbying for the United States to recognize the Golan Heights, occupied since 1967, as Israeli territory -- and the United States is reportedly considering the move. Should Washington decide to recognize Israel's claim to the disputed area, it would mark the first time since 1945 that the United States has acknowledged the validity of land taken by...

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