Kurdish Peshmerga Forces Have Room to Grow

Sep 12, 2014 | 09:56 GMT

Though a limited force, the Kurdish peshmerga could prove critical against Islamic State
A Kurdish peshmerga soldier defends Mount Zardak from Islamic State militants Sept. 9.

(JM LOPEZ/AFP/Getty Images)


As the United States prepares for more aggressive action against the Islamic State, one of the key pillars of its strategy is to work with indigenous armed groups that can roll back the militant group's gains. The Kurdish Peshmerga forces, despite their fabled reputation, have diminished as a fighting force over the last decade of relative peace in Iraq's Kurdistan region. With serious training and significant foreign support, however, the Peshmerga fighters can still play a critical role in the overall strategy against the Islamic State.

Kurdish forces need international support to enhance their offensive capabilities....

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